External TCP/UDP Control Specifications
Implementation: Tachyon v11
UDP/TCP Default Port
Unless overridden, Tachyon's default TCP and UDP control port is: 50503
The TCP server will reply with the received commands to each connected client.
UDP commands will be replied to as broadcasts on the main network interface using the same UDP port as configured for the reception.
UDP/TCP Network Syntax
Network Control
TimeLine Speed
[-5 ; 5]
TimeLine Seek
Frame #
[unsigned int32]
[0 ; N]
TimeLine FreeRun
FreeRun on/off
[unsigned int32]
[0 ; 1]
TimeLine LTC
Time-Code on/off
[unsigned int32]
[0 ; 1]
Special Codes
[unsigned int]
[0 ; N]
Execute Cue ID
Cue # by ID
[unsigned int32]
[0 ; N]
Query system state
No parameters
Delete Media
Special Codes
Normal Mode
Sleep Mode
Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm 2
Reboot Tachyon
Reboot Server
Quit Tachyon
Shutdown Server
Enable Offline Mode
Disable Offline Mode
Show/Hide UI
Syntax Rules
Capitalization must be respected.
Spaces between Tag, Opcode and Parameters are mandatory.
Cue trigger via ID number
Set Tachyon in Sleep Mode
Get Server State
When querying the system state using the above command, Tachyon will reply using its internal XML-like syntax. Below is an example of the system-state reply syntax:
Hostname: name of the server
CPU usage: total percentage of CPU being used
Memory usage: total percentage of the system memory currently in use
Process Memory Usage: Memory in use by active process
VRAM usage: total percentage of GPU memory currently in use
VRec Usage: Video recycler usage
Disk usage: Total ratio of disk usage currently in use (1 means 100%)
Disk Bw: Disk reading speed in megabytes per second
GPU Usage: GPU usage in %
GPU Temperature: The current temperature of the GPU is expressed in Celsius
GSync: G Sync active/G Sync External refresh rate
Net: Tachyon Network usage in %
FPS: System’s Current frame rate
Task: Current task progress in % (import and conversion).
-1: Inactive
Status: User Interface and openGL context status (Status can be combined ex: 3 is UI(1) + NFS(2))
0 - OK: Everything is fine and no UI is shown
1- UI: The user interface is displayed
2- NFS: Not full screen, Tachyon GL Context is not covering the entire span of the outputs
4- NVS: Not Vertical Sync
8- RAID: Raid Problem
16- Triple Buffering: Restart Required due to Triple Buffering Off
Version: Current running system version
Remove Media
Original File
REMOVE_MEDIA command allows to delete medias from the Media Library (including medias in playlist and actual files in content folder).
Please note the double-quotes (") in the command are required.
NB: it implements explicit removal with a complete filename. For example if you remove "file.vci" it will remove all related vci/vcd/aci/acd files but not the original media, you will need to explicitly call the REMOVE_MEDIA command with "file.mp4" to get rid of the original.
Last updated
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