2.9 Calibration Lock

Once a Calibration is complete, it is possible to lock it in order to avoid unintended modifications (for example, accidently clicking in the Calibration Tools Window Preview could void a perfect Calibration if it isn’t locked).

Locking Calibration

  1. Press [2] on the keyboard or click on the [Calibration] toggle to select the 3D Scene module’s Calibration mode.

  2. Click the Calibration Lock button located in the top-right corner of the Calibration Tool window.


  1. Access the Settings Panel by clicking on the Settings button.

  2. Click on the [Controls Locked] toggle to lock all Calibrations.

[Controls Locked] will lock Calibration for all Displays. Following this, it will be impossible to add new Calibration Points, manually move Displays (for both position and orientation) or attempt Auto-Calibration.

Locking the calibration will also lock the quick option bar in the Calibration Tools

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